WHEREAS, Proclamation No. 1169 dated 6 April 1998 has declared the Two Hundred and Thirty Eight (238) hectare portion of the National Government Center (NGC) site, now referred to as the NGC East-side, as a mixed use area for government complexes, buildings and offices, socialized housing, and other purposes;

WHEREAS, portions of the land embraced therein, subject to actual survey as appropriate for socialized housing development, has been declared subject to disposition into a housing community to bonafide residents thereat and to government personnel;

WHEREAS, it is now necessary to issue guidelines for the development and disposition of said property;

WHEREAS, it is desired that the NGC East side Development Project, like the NGC West-side housing project, serve as another prototype for a new and more expeditious alternative method of developing an area for Priority Development (APD) within the framework of existing Urban Land Reform laws, which include, as may be necessary, and in accordance with pertinent laws, off-site resettlement for bonafide residents who can not be accommodated or those who may opt for other relocation and/or resettlement programs or the Balik-Probinsiya program;

WHEREAS, there is a need to institutionalize cooperation in the development of APD areas, particularly the local government unit and the housing and infrastructure agencies, in order to expedite implementation of urban land reform; and,

WHEREAS, the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) has been mandated by Executive Order No. 90 dated 17 December 1986 to coordinate the activities of government housing and support agencies to ensure the accomplishment of the National Shelter Program and to design broad strategies for the accomplishment of its objectives through the development of prototypes such as the NGC Housing Project which in this regard shall be treated as a special project for the purpose of replicating new and alternative strategies of project implementation for social housing in APD areas.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

Section 1. Creation of the NGC East-Side Development Committee. There is hereby created the NGC East side Development Committee which shall take charge of implementing the NGC East-side Development Project as defined in Proclamation No. 1169 dated 6 April 1998.

a. Composition. The Committee shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) and shall be composed of the Secretary, Public Works and Highways (DPWH); Chairman, Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP); General Manager, National Housing Authority (NHA); Mayor, Quezon City; and a representative from the People’s organization, to be designated by the Chairman of the Committee.

b. Powers and Functions. The Committee shall have the following powers and functions:

1. Define the NGC East-side Development Project’s concept and strategies of implementation.

2. Formulate policies and guidelines on the following:

2.1 Disposition, allocation and distribution of NGC East-side housing units to bonafide residents and government personnel subject to the provisions of Proclamation No. 1169 dated 6 April 1998.

2.2 Optimal population containment within the defined project area;

2.3 Qualified project beneficiaries;

2.4 Housing finance for beneficiaries; and,

2.5 Project administration and other implementation requirements.

3. Define the scope and guidelines for alternative off-site resettlement of bonafide residents who can not be accommodated or who may opt for other relocation and/or resettlement or the Balik-Probinsiya program.

4. Formulate systems and procedures for project implementation.

5. Prepare the project’s work program and budget.

6. Identify and mobilize fund resources for project implementation.

7. Monitor and evaluate all phases of project implementation.

8. Make final decisions on all cases and issues affecting project implementation which can not be resolved at the operational level.

9. Coordinate with concerned government and private agencies in the provision of utilities to the project area.

10. Ensure the widening of the Batasan road network, construction of additional roads, as appropriate, and provision of basic amenities in the project area, to include, among others, drainage and water system.

11. Call upon any government department or agency for assistance whenever necessary.

c. Final Decision. In case no consensus is reached in any voting or decision-making by the Committee, the Chairman of the Committee shall have the authority to make the final decision.

Section 2. Project Administrator. The NGC East-side Development Committee is authorized to appoint the Project Administrator who will take charge and be responsible for the completion of the project. The Project Administrator shall have the authority to appoint two (2) Deputy Administrators, one (1) for administration and the other for Operations. Likewise, the Project Administrator is authorized to appoint and maintain a staff complement which shall provide financial, technical and administrative support services to the Committee.

Section 3. Support Agencies. The following agencies are hereby directed to provide the support needed to ensure the successful implementation of the project:

1. Department of Health (DOH) shall provide health and medical services to project beneficiaries;

2. Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) shall provide educational services to project beneficiaries;

3. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) shall provide welfare, nutrition and community development services to project beneficiaries;

4. Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) shall evaluate the possibility of providing interim development financing for the socialized housing component of the project;

5. National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC) or any other appropriate agency or agencies designated by HUDCC shall provide long term buyer’s financing assistance for housing;

6. National Housing Authority (NHA) shall provide technical assistance in determining baseline affordability and skills of beneficiaries;

7. Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC) shall assist housing beneficiaries in developing community enterprises for livelihood and income generation;

8. Land Management Bureau (LMB) shall undertake geodetic surveys for the project;

9. National Water Resources Board (MWRB) shall arrange with the appropriate area franchisee for the installation of main water distribution lines to supply water to the project beneficiaries; and,

10. National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) shall provide technical assistance in undertaking aerial photogrammetry.

Section 4. Project Completion. Project implementation for the NGC East-side shall be completed within ten (10) years from the date of promulgation of this Proclamation.

Section 5. Funding. The DBM and HUDCC shall jointly determine the funding requirements of the Committee for its initial year of operation and identify possible fund sources, which may include, among others, funds from the 1997 Savings of the National Government.

Funding for the succeeding years of operation of the Committee shall be incorporated in the regular budget of HUDCC.

This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 6th day of April in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight.


By the President:
Executive Secretary