WHEREAS, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) were created by virtue of R.A. 7722 dated 18 May 1994 and R.A. 7796 dated 25 August 1994, respectively, to focus on post-secondary education thereby allowing the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) to concentrate on basic (elementary and secondary) education;

WHEREAS, the CHED has been mandated to formulate policies and programs on tertiary education, and monitor the administration and the quality of tertiary educational institutions and programs nationwide;

WHEREAS, the TESDA has been mandated to formulate and rationalize policies and programs on technical/vocational education and training nationwide;

WHEREAS, post-secondary, vocational and tertiary education should incorporate a wholistic approach in the development of the human being, and include sports as a priority component of its mission;

WHEREAS, Executive Orders No. 63 and No. 64, both S. of 1993, were promulgated prior to the creation of the CHED and TESDA, to establish the National, Regional Provincial, City/Municipal and Barangay Physical Fitness and Sports Development Councils; and Adopt the National Policy and Program of “Sports for All”;

WHEREAS, in view thereof, there is a need to include the CHED and TESDA in the policy-making and implementing structures of government relative to sports development; and,

WHEREAS, the Philippine Olympic Committee is the primary institution responsible for the development of elite sports for international competitions.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby amend Executive Orders No. 63 and No. 64, both S. of 1993, as follows:

Section 1. Section of Executive Order No. 63, Series of 1993 is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 1. There is hereby constituted the National, Regional, Provincial, City/Municipal and Barangay Physical Fitness and Sports Development Councils; hereinafter referred to as the PFSDC which shall act as the nationwide organizational network to assist the Philippine Sports Commission in the planning, information dissemination, and actual implementation and monitoring of the National Policy and Program of “Sports for All” and shall be composed of the following:

The National PFSDC:

Secretary of DILG Chairman
Secretary of DECS Co-Chairman
Secretary of DND Vice-Chairman
Secretary of DOLE Co-Vice-Chairman
Chairman, CHED Co-Vice-Chairman
President, POC Co-Vice-Chairman
Chairman, Philippine Sports Commission Secretary-General
Chairman, Senate Committee on Sports Member
Chairman, House Committee on Sports Member
President, League of Provincial Governors Member
President, League of Municipalities Member
President, League of Cities Member
Presidential Adviser on Sports -Member
National President, SK Federation Member
PNP Director-General Member
Chairman, TESDA Member
Six (6) representatives of the private sector, as appointed by the Chairman Members


DILG Regional Director Chairman
DECS Regional Director Co-Chairman
DND Representative Vice-Chairman
PSC Regional Head Secretary-General
CHED Regional Director Member
TESDA Regional Head Member
PNP Regional Director Member
Provincial Governors Member
President, SK Federation Member
Three (3) representatives of the private sector, as appointed by the Chairman Members


Provincial Governor Chairman
Provincial Vice-Governor Vice-Chairman
DECS Division Superintendent Secretary-General
CHED Representative Member
TESDA Representative Member
DND Representative Member
PNP Provincial Director Member
City/Municipal Mayors League President Member
President, SK Federation Member
Two (2) representatives of the private sector as appointed by the Chairman Members


City/Municipal Mayor Chairman
PNP Representative Vice-Chairman
DECS PFSS Division Supervisor Secretary-General
DILG Representative (CLGO) Member
CHED Representative Member
TESDA Representative Member
ABC President Member
City/Municipal Mayors League President Member
SK Federation City/Municipal Chairman Member
Two (2) representatives of the private sector as appointed by the Chairman Members

(e) The Barangay PFSDC

Barangay Chairman Chairman
DECS School Principal Vice-Chairman
SK Representative Member
Kagawad Sports Coordinator Member
Homeowners Assn. Representative Member
Two (2) representatives of the private sector, as appointed by the Chairman”. Members

Section 2. Section 2 of Executive Order No. 64, Series of 1993 is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Section 2. NATIONAL PROGRAM. The Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) based on this “National Policy of Sports for All” shall plan and implement national program for Philippine Sports through out the decade of Physical Fitness and Sports in coordination with all concerned public and private entities and shall assist, oversee and ensure that an integrated comprehensive program for the short, medium and long term plan of action and year-round calendar of activities for the multi-sectoral sports be implemented and sustained by the national, regional, provincial, city/municipal and barangay physical Fitness and Sports Development councils (PFSDC) as created under Executive Order No. 63 respecting their individuals set-up priorities, sources, organizational structures and level or competence.

1. Physical Education and Basic (Elementary and Secondary) Education School Sports Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS)
2. Physical Education and Tertiary (University, Collegiate and Post- Secondary) Education School Sports Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
3. Physical Education and Technical/Vocational School Sports Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
4. Community-based sports Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
5. Military Sports Department of National Defense (DND) and Philippine National Police (PNP)
6. Labor Sports Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
7. Elite Sports for International Competitions Philippine Olympic Committee (POC)/National Sports Associations (NSAs)
8. Professional Sports Games and Amusement Board (GAB)

In order to effectively monitor and sustain the implementation of the mass-based sports policy and program, the above mentioned government agencies and all other concerned government entities are hereby directed to submit a bi-annual report on the program and accomplishments of their respective sports programs to the Office of the President, represented by the Philippine Sports Commission.”

Sec. 3. All other provisions of Executive Orders No. 63 and No. 64, Series of 1993, which are not inconsistent herewith shall remain valid and effective.

Sec. 4. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 13th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Seven.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Executive Secretary

Source: Presidential Management Staff

Office of the President of the Philippines. (1997). [Executive Order Nos. : 441-488]. Manila : Presidential Management Staff.