Office of the President
of the Philippines



Pursuant to Special Order No. 29 and Memorandum Order No. 255, dated January 23, 1995 and January 27, 1995, respectively, and in conjunction with CSC Memorandum Circular No. 14, s. 1991, the following Guidelines on the Dress Code in the Office of the President of the Philippines (Proper) is hereby prescribed.

I. Coverage

This Order shall cover the officials and employees in the Office of the President of the Philippines (Proper), whether permanent, casual or contractual.

II. Schedule of Uniform Days

1. For Ladies

a. Officials and employees holding the position of PSO VI up to the rank of Director shall wear the following sets of uniforms, scheduled as follows:

Mondays Checkered blazer, skirt and inner blouse with checkered collar– Sketch A
Tuesdays Rust skirt, inner blouse with rust collar and checkered blazer or rust blazer for those who have it
Wednesdays The wearing of the red uniform or any other old uniform is optional.

b. Employees holding the position of PSO V and below — same uniforms as specified above, with the exception of the blazer, which is optional.

c. The skirt shall be knee-length or below the knee.

2. For Gentlemen

a. Officials and employees holding the position of PSO VI up to the rank of Director shall wear white Barong Tagalog every Monday and long-sleeved shirt with tie or any other shade of Barong Tagalog on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

b. White collar employees from PSO V and below shall wear white polo barong every Monday and any other shade of polo barong or polo shirt with collar on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

c. Blue collar employees (janitors, carpenters, parking attendants, gardeners, electricians, mechanics and other civilian ground/building personnel) shall wear white polo shirt with collar every Monday, and any other shade of T-shirt or polo shirt with collar on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In addition, blue collar workers shall wear appropriate shoes at all times.

d. Employees assigned to drive OP official vehicles shall wear white polo barong every Monday, and any other shade of polo barong or polo shirt with collar from Tuesday to Friday or during weekends, whenever their services are required.

III. Appropriate Office Wear

Where the wearing of the prescribed office uniforms is exempt, the following should be observed.

a. Officials and employees must be dressed appropriately. No party attire, picnic clothes, sandos or T-shirts should be worn at work.

b. The use of tight fitting, seductive, micro-mini, gauzy, flimsy or transparent dresses by lady-personnel is prohibited.

c. Walking shorts, pedal pushers, leggings, tights, maong and jogging pants are likewise prohibited. However, pantaloons or such other pants worn for formal occasions are allowed.

d. The use of too much costume jewelry, flashy bangles and similar accessories are likewise prohibited. Ostentatious display of expensive jewelry is strongly discouraged and prohibited except for special occasions and official celebrations.

e. Wearing of heavy or theatrical make-up is likewise prohibited.

IV. Others

The wearing of slippers, sandals, bakya, etc. by officials and employees in the office premises is banned. Only appropriate footwear shall be allowed. The ladies shall wear black, cream or brown (or any of its shade) shoes. The gentlemen shall wear black or brown shoes.

V. Exemptions

a. Personnel of the Internal House Affairs Office shall wear their own appropriate Dress Code this year inasmuch as they have already acquired new sets of uniforms. However, starting next year, they are enjoined to adopt the generally prescribed uniform.

b. Doctors, dentists, nurses and other medical attendants of the Malacañang Clinic shall wear the prescribed uniform on Mondays, with option to wear their professional gown/white medical uniform blazer for the rest of the week.

c. Women in mourning or on the family way.

d. When by nature of work of the employees concerned, they necessarily must wear other appropriate clothing.

e. Religious affiliation or creed or any practice in relation thereto.

f. Physical disabilities.

g. Other analogous circumstances of any of the aforementioned.

VI. Sanctions

a. The Dress Code Committees for Ladies and Gentlemen (DCCFLG) together with Heads of Units/Offices shall assist the Personnel Director in ensuring strict compliance with these guidelines. Daily monitoring as to compliance with the Dress Code must be done at 8:00 a.m. end at 4:00 p.m., respectively.

b. The weekly reports bearing the recommendations of the duly designated responsible Dress Code checker and attested by the Heads of Offices/Units shall be submitted to the Personnel Office every Thursday morning. The Personnel Director shall in turn forward his consolidated Report to the SDES every month, copy furnished the DCCFLG, for the application of appropriate penalties, as follows:

1. 1st Offense — (Violation of the Dress Code and its implementing Guidelines for three (3) times within a month). Written reprimand to be issued by the Personnel Office based on the submitted reports of the Dress Code Checker as attested by the Head of Office.

2. 2nd Offense — (Subsequent Violations thereof for more than 3 times but not more than ten (10) times within three months). — Suspension without pay from one (1) day to thirty (30) days, to wit:

Frequency   Length of Suspension
4 times 1 day
5 times 5 days
6 times 10 days
7 times 15 days
8 times 20 days
9 times 25 days
10 times 30 days

3. 3rd Offense — (Subsequent violations for more than ten (10) times within six (6) months). — Dismissal.

VII. Other Provisions

a. Record of any violation to the above Dress Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations shall form part of the employee’s 201 file.

b. Strict compliance with the Implementing Rules and Regulations prescribed herein is hereby enjoined.

c. All memoranda, orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with this Memorandum Order are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.

This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.

Senior Deputy Executive Secretary

July 31, 1995