Office of the President
of the Philippines
Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 1989, directs the formation of a Personnel Development Committee (PDC) in all departments, agencies and instrumentalities of the National Government including Local Government Units and Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations.
Pursuant thereto, the Office of the President (OP)-PDC was constituted by virtue of Office Order No. 5, dated 19 March 1991.
The OP-PDC is tasked, among others, to formulate guidelines for the selection of OP’s nominee(s) to training and scholarship programs.
Upon OP-PDC’s recommendation, the following set of guidelines shall govern all matters pertaining to scholarships and training grants to OP employees.
These guidelines shall apply to and cover the following:
A. OP Employees – All OP officials and employees who are qualified under existing rules and regulations to avail of local/overseas scholarships and other training grants.
B. Scholarship and Other Training Grants
Scholarship and other training grants abroad offered directly to the OP or those which are referred to the OP by the NEDA Special Committee on Scholarships and those which may be solicited by the OP from foreign foundations, universities, study centers and other institutions.
Local scholarships and training grants shall include those that are made available to OP employees as members of the Civil Service or those programs which are privately sponsored.
Self-solicited scholarships and training grants may be allowed on highly meritorious cases as may be determined by the agency head.
Study leaves are not covered by these guidelines.
All Heads of Primary Units and/or Division Chiefs in the OP shall be notified by the OP-PDC of scholarships and training grants which are available to qualified OP employees with a request for the submission of their respective nominee(s) to the Personnel Office. The notice shall state the following:
a. title and short description of the course;
b. the place and duration thereof;
c. the required qualifications of nominees; and
d. the deadline for submission of nominees.
The OP-PDC shall immediately circulate and post notices in strategic places in all OP Buildings for the information of all OP employees as soon as the OP-PDC has been formally informed of the availability of such scholarship or other training grants.
The creation of internal screening committees within the Primary units and/or Divisions is encouraged for a more objective and transparent selection of nominees.
In addition to the requirements prescribed under existing laws, rules and regulations, the following requirements are hereby adopted for purposes of evaluation:
1. Priority shall be given to nominees with permanent appointments.
2. A nominee must have served for at least two (2) years with the OP.
3. The nominee’s present duties and responsibilities must be relevant to the field of study.
4. A nominee who has availed of a scholarship or training grant may be considered for another scholarship or training grant, provided that such nominee has completed the following service obligations:
Duration |
Service Obligation |
6 months or more |
2 years |
Less than 6 months but more than 2 months |
1 year |
Less than 2 months |
6 months |
5. A nominee must have no pending administrative and/or criminal charges against him/her.
6. A nominee must meet the requirements specified by the donor and/or sponsoring entity.
7. A nominee must have a performance rating of at least “Very Satisfactory” for the last two (2) rating periods prior to the nomination.
1. Upon receipt of the nominees from the different Units in the OP, the Personnel Office shall transmit to same to the Secretariat of the OP-PDC.
2. The Secretariat shall prepare a comparative data on all the nominees to determine whether or not they meet the qualifications prescribed for the scholarship or training grant to which they have been nominated and the requirements under Part III hereof.
3. The following Evaluation criteria shall be used by the OP-PDC in determining the most qualified nominee:
Weight |
a. | Job Relevance |
40% |
b. | Experience and Outstanding Accomplishment |
20% |
c. | Education and Training |
15% |
d. | Performance Rating |
10% |
e. | Language and Communication Skills |
10% |
f. | Potential |
5% |
100% |
4. The OP-PDC may interview the nominees.
5. The nominee(s) garnering the highest points based on the above criteria, shall be chosen by the OP-PDC as the most qualified nominee(s).
6. The Secretariat shall immediately notify the chosen nominee(s) for the submission of documents required for the particular scholarship or training grant. The other nominee(s) shall also be notified of the results of the screening process.
In consideration of the acceptance of a foreign/local scholarship or training grant, the grantee or trainee shall bind himself to comply with the following conditions which will be embodied in a Scholarship/Training Contract to be entered into between the grantee/trainee and the OP:
1. To comply with the terms and conditions of the grant
2. To maintain lawful and moral conduct so as not to bring disgrace or dishonor to himself or to his country. In this connection, the grantee/trainee shall undergo an orientation dialog with the OP-PDC or with invited resource persons;
3. To keep up with the standards of scholarship or accomplishments;
4. To submit to the head of his/her office and to the OP-PDC the official transcript of grades at the close of each quarter, term or semester, as the case may be;
5. To report for duty to the OP immediately upon the termination of his/her scholarship/training;
6. To submit to his/her head of office and the OP-PDC, a report on his/her study/training abroad within sixty (60) days after his return to duty;
7. To submit a re-entry plan or proposal for the application of newly-acquired skills or expertise to his/her office and the OP-PDC, upon completion of at least six (6) months of study/training.
8. To serve the OP or any other government office or instrumentality as the exigencies of the service may require, the corresponding service obligation provided under Part III, No. 4 hereof and subject to the other conditions provided under Executive Order No. 367, dated 21 August 1989.
Failure of the grantee/trainee to keep up with the standards of the scholarship/training or to comply with the terms and conditions of his/her scholarship/training shall be sufficient cause for the cancellation of the same and for his/her immediate recall. Should failure in these cases be due to his/her own fault or wilfull neglect, he/she shall refund all expenses in accordance with the provisions of the Scholarship/Training Contract.
This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Manila this 15th day of April in the year of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Three.
By authority of the President:
Executive Secretary